Friday, June 26, 2009

Thoughts: 26-June-2009

Surfing the Internet today, I noted on TLC Turbo American Chopper MB, that a lot of folks were unhappy with the events of the latest episode. I have not seen it yet, but it looks like the Four Horsemen are screwing with Mikey. Interesting.

These reality shows are so fake and scripted. Big drama on Jon and Kate plus 8 with announcement of their separation and upcoming divorce. They make $75,000 per episode and have a bunch of assistants who work behind the scenes in taking care of the family. Kate, after getting rave reviews when she was photographed in a bikini while on vacation, decided to wear one around the house just when a bunch of paparazzi were there to take photographs. I saw them on The which is a great site to check out.

I am sure that the psychodrama soap opera on American Chopper was agreed to by the Teutals to improve ratings. How real it is, not very as far as I can see.

Someone told that that the new Transformers film was 2 and a half hours long. Are you fraking kidding me? Who wants to watch Rockem Sockem Robots for that long?

Oh well.

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