Monday, June 22, 2009

Thoughts: 22-June-2009

Work kind of took the fun out of my hibernation weekend. Did get amused by our summer interns today. They are 21 and 24 years old and the first one told me that you cannot do a roundhouse kick in a mini skirt wearing rock star shoes. This was just part of their weekend adventures. Oh to be young again.

In Plain Sight had a great episode where Mary finally got one over the idiot FBI agent who has been trying to bust her sister. What a lame case they put together and the con job they tried to do as the plea bargain, obviously nobody watches Law & Order in that show.

Will be watching Merlin tonight, NBC had two episodes and of course the stupid US Open (golf) had to run over. I was able to record it, I just wish they would keep the leisure sports on schedule.

Oh well.

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