Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thoughts: 17-June-2009

Pet Peeve.

Why can't cable companies give you a choice in what you get? It seems you have to subscribe to a bunch of channels to get the one you want. Why not say, for x dollars you get x channels of your choice, if you want more, you pay for more. In this time of computers, we should be able just to buy and get what we want.

Three shows I wish to comment on.

Weeds: Mary Louise Parker has complained about a topless scene that she did for this show getting on the Internet, something she regrets doing, In the latest episode, her Mexican drug kingpin and the person who impregnated her, put her over a table, pulls her skirt done, and has forced sex with her. Then he leaves her laying on the table, nude from the waist down as his chief henchman comes in to take her home. And Parker is worried about a topless scene making it on the Internet? Weeds has become less of a comedy and more dark and violent. I do not like this trend.

True Blood: Season 2 opened up to the best ratings HBO has gotten since The Sopranos. Anna Paquin is very daring in her sex scenes, she leaves nothing out in these very explicit scenes. Very hot, and she is unbelievable hot. Very interesting start and I love this series. I also think it is quite ironic that the theme song was recorded years ago and passed unnoticed and now is a hit. One has to wonder how many gems are out there waiting to be discovered.

HawthoRNe: The new TNT series starring Jada Pinkett Smith started last night. Interesting show from the perspective of the nurses. Nurses are usually unnoticed in doctor shows unless they are sleeping with a doctor. Smith is doing some great acting in this series and I look forward to more episodes.

Oh well.

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