Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thoughts: 04-June-2009

The Boston Red Sox completed a three game sweep of the Tigers and all the Michigan transfers at work are very quiet. Boston is tied for first place with the hated Yankees.

I got my last print issue of Filmbobbery in today's mail. Robert Lenz is going to have a website were he will continue with his writing in a easier medium than print. Good luck Bob, I will miss your quarterly and look forward to your book on Gloria Grahame coming out.

Monsterquest had a terrible episode on Flying Monsters last night. Absolutely no real evidence at all, no footprints, no photos, just a video of some lights in the sky. What a waste, when are they going to find a fraking monster already?

Tonight Season 3 of Burn Notice starts on USA and the first episode of the new series Royal Pains. With last night's Law & Order season finale to watch, it should be a great night of TV.

Oh well.

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