Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thoughts: 03-June-2009

Not much on TV tonight, a new Monsterquest with Flying Monsters as the theme. I saw some freaky videos on YouTube that featured strange flying creatures, I assume that they were faked.

Season Finale of Law & Order tonight, will Jack McCoy get elected as DA? Also a new episode of The Unusuals is on tonight. As both are 10 pm shows, I will record and watch tomorrow night. Yes I am a boring old fart who falls asleep by 10:30 pm during the week.

Next Week Perry Mason Season 4 Vol 1 is coming out. As formalistic as this series is, I can watch it over and over again. Watch the last two episodes of Season 1 last night.

Some Comic news and comments.

I really liked the Old Man Logan story that appeared in Wolverine. The conclusion will be coming out in a one shot special entitled Giant Sized Old Man Logan. If you are going to have multiple ongoing monthly comic books featuring the same character, mix it up and do stories like this. Keep it fresh and interesting.

I read the first issue of Power Girl recently. Supposedly there was a big demand for this DC character to star in her own book. Based on issue 1, I don't see this lasting too long. Much ado about nothing.

One of my favorite comic strips, My Cage, had the star character Norman break up with his girlfriend Bridget. I really liked the two characters and wonder why the comic creators did that? I like to see happy couples who get along in my fiction, Lord knows I don't see it much in reality. I like to believe that true love exists, at least in the fiction world that I immerse myself into for entertainment.

Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. "wonder why the comic creators did that?"

    Hmmmm. Good question. I guess because I want to have the characters have 'arcs' and change over time. Rex and Violet get married, Jeff gets divorced, ends his crush on Maureem and gets a new girlfriend, Max's first boss died, etc.

    Don't worry though, Bridget will be back. In what capacity? Well, for that you'll have to keep reading. :)

    Things get worse for Norm before they get better...but, they will get better. ;)

    -Ed Power
    My Cage writer
