Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thoughts: 23-June-2009

One on the summer interns read yesterday's blog and she said that I lied, she is 22. 22 is a big Oklahoma Sooner fan and I was goofing on her on how my team, Penn State, was far superior and beat up on the Sooners in the two games they played. So she looks it up and busts me for my lie. I tell you nobody trusts anybody anymore.

Both 22 and 24 are from Northern Michigan in the UP, and both are excellent hard workers. We lucked out.

Last night I watched the first two episodes of Merlin, the new show that premiered on NBC this past Sunday night. Great shows with some very strong performances. I liked Anthony Head (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) as Uther Pendragon and John Hurt is doing the voice of the Great Dragon who has been giving Merlin advice. The actors who play Merlin and Arthur are very good. I hope the ratings are good for this show.

Oh well.

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