Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thoughts: 21-June-2009

Hibernation Day Two.

Watched the latest episode from American Chopper, they built a bike for the Abu Dhabi police force in the UAE. The Bike was one of their better builds where they actually did some creative fabrication. Then the bike got sent back for a major do over. Never really explained why that happened. Sr and his management team traveled there to unveil the bike and to look into a business opportunity to open a OCC themed restaurant.

The funny thing is that Steve the OCC GM did not want Mikey to come along because he may embarrass OCC. So Sr goes, shows off his tattoos in a country where the religion forbids that, makes an insensitive comment about someone stealing his shoes when removing them to enter the Mosque, and then compares their trained falcon to a homing pigeon. And who does everyone ask for when they get there, Mikey and Jr. Pretty sad.

Harper's Island killed off four more people in episode ten. This includes the two dumbest Washington State Police officers ever along with the sheriff. Oh and John Wakefield is still alive and now has more than doubled his previous killing spree. Three more episodes to go.

Also watched the series finale of The Unusuals. Good show and a shame that ABC cancelled it.

I also caught up on my comic books last night. The upcoming Green Lantern Blackest Night crossover leaves me cold and disinterested. What is up with all these Orange, Blue, Red, and now Black Lanterns? I liked the stories that featured Hal Jordon using his powers to solve a crime or vanquish a villain. This is just too much babble.

Oh well.

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