Thursday, April 9, 2009

TV's Dead Zones

I keep seeing those Verizon commercials talking about dead zones. It seems that this could apply to the TV networks and the time spots where they send shows to die.

ABC has Wednesday at 10 pm, have they had any shows succeed at the time? Eyes, The Evidence, Life on Mars, and Invasion all died at that time. Even Lost did poorly at that time. Not looking good for The Unusuals.

CBS has Tuesday at 10 pm. Smith, Cane, and Without a Trace all have died or soon will die at that time spot.

Fox, 8-10 pm Friday night, there is a graveyard for shows. Justice, Canterbury's Law, and Prison Break have been sent there to die. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Files and Dollhouse both will be dead at that time.

CW any night but Thursday. Do they have any hits? NBC, I cannot even guess as I can not think of a top 20 show on that network.

Oh well.

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