Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thoughts: 05-April-2009

UConn lost to Michigan State yesterday. No double NCAA championships for UConn this year. I guess we will be seeing the bumper stickers again which state UConn where men are men and women are champions.

My mother watches two soap operas, As the World Turns and Guiding Light. GL is ending on Sept 18 after 72 years as a radio and TV show. I never understood the appeal of soap operas, the stories are pretty dopey, and the characters exhibit so much passion for each other, only to find a few months later that they are now into someone else. I had a roommate in college who scheduled his classes around General Hospital, the storyline at that time was everyone was trying to get hold of a statue named the Ice Princess.

The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly had a two page article on Supernatural. Finally, they are publishing stuff on shows that I watch. It appears that the actors and producers only want to do one more season. This show has been so on target since the first episode, that it may be a good idea to go out on top and then maybe do a movie later.

I watched Friday Night Lights last night via DVR, what a heart breaker that they lost the state championship game. Next week is the season finale, I had thought it was this week. Should be interesting the set up for the next season, especially with the creation of East Dillon High. That school will need a football coach, I wonder who that might be.

Eleventh Hour had a great season finale, I loved how Hood stared down that ass wipe deputy director at the end as he got arrested. Did that idiot really think he could outwit Hood? The final scene with Hood and his partner Rachel was very nice end to the season. This show needs to be renewed.

Oh well.

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