Monday, April 20, 2009

Thoughts: 20-April-2009

Big win for the Red Sox today as the pound the Baltimore Orioles 12 to 1. Boston pitching is looking strong while the Yankee pitching is looking bad. New York's starters are getting bombed out in the firs couple of innings and their bullpen is terrible.

I remembered to watch the L Word Interrogation Tape today. Alice comes up to bat, her secret, as far as I can tell, is that she set a party up for Bette where she invited Tina and her husband. So Alice was responsible for hooking Bette and Tina up. Then Sgt. Duffy grills her about being bisexual and Alice after an attempt to explain, says "What does this have to do with finding out, Who killed Jenny?" Duffy then says, oh you think Jenny was killed? WTF? If there is no suspicion of foul play then why are you asking all these fraking questions? I though Dragnet was a bad LA cop show, but Sgt. Duffy you take the cake.

Got another spam comment from some group trying to save Reaper. The creative team has signed a deal to work with another studio on future projects. I don't give a frak if it is a top rated CW show, Reaper is dead. Tyler Labine is moving on, why can't you Reaper fans do the same?

Oh well.


  1. I'm sorry you feel that way about Reaper. It really does cost nothing to try and save it if you wanted, except maybe a few moments.

    And BTW - Tyler's not really moving on. He got a job on a pilot which has not been picked up, and even if it did, his Reaper contract takes precedence. He knew that when signing, and clarified on his Facebook. And it doesn't really matter that Butters and Fazekas have moved on because A) there are plenty of Reaper people to take their place (like Tom Spezialy); and B) a great many shows lose their creative teams and go on just fine - like Lost and Smallville. Not to mention C) I'm personally thrilled, because Butters and Fazekas are horrible show-runners.

    Anyways, sorry to bother you. Won't happen again.
