Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thoughts: 28-April-2009

I guess there will be only seven L Word Interrogation tapes, right now on Showtime.com we have part 1 of an interview with Ilene Chaiken, the creator. Maybe she will clear up what the frak happened to Jenny. At some point, when I get in the mood, I will devote a blog to all the so-called secrets revealed in these tapes.

House has two episodes left, and it looks like the good doctor has some psychological problem resulting from some undiagnosed disease. Don't know where this is going, I think that they are losing creative juice.

24 had Jack back in his furious mode as he tries to track down Tony while dealing with the effects of the toxin. You know, there has to be an antidote that will save Jack at the end. I liked the part where Jack yelled at Janis (Janeane Garofalo) when she was complaining. I could see Chole pull her aside and tell her how CTU agents used to smash the heads of the computer guys into the desk when they mouthed off. Wonder if Tony survives for the next season.

On the Futon Critic, I see that CBS is moving Harper's Island to Saturday night at 9 pm. Too much competition at 10 pm Thursday perhaps? Maybe if the frakking networks would not put all the shows on at the same time, ratings might be better.

I also see that Fox TV is not going to show Obama's latest press conference scheduled for tomorrow night. About time the networks stand up to this crap. Why Obama has to constantly schedule these press conferences that pre-empty my favorite shows is ridiculous. I want to watch Lie to Me, not Obamo lying to me.

Oh well.

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