Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thoughts: 22-April-2009

I watched Reaper last night, episode 9 in the 13 episode order for Season 2. I thought it took a few steps back after a couple of good episodes. Looks like Sam is going to have to challenge the Devil in a game that he is good in, in order to win back his soul. Problem is, I have not seen anything that Sam is good in. Morgan, the Devil's other son, is mad at Sam, Ben's demon girlfriend is mad at him, Sock is oblivious to everything. Four episodes left. I never see the CW do commercials for this show during Smallville and Supernatural, you would think the audience for Reaper would be watching those two shows.

Fringe had a good episode last night. This show has really be keeping its promising premise fresh and interesting. I love Walter Bishop.

Tonight, Lost has one of those clip shows where they show what is happening so far. I just wish that they would show new episodes and not recycle old episodes in these clip shows.

Oh well.

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