Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thoughts: 02-April-2009

I forgot until last night to check for the latest L Word Interrogation Tape. This week we have Niki who reveals that she stole the copy of Les Girls because it is a terrible film and will kill her career if released. She hid it in Jenny's attic figuring nobody would find it there and if they do, they will blame Jenny and she would get payback on her. Finally, the police get some real information that sheds some light on what happened the night Jenny was killed. Maybe future tapes will follow this trend.

Lost had a good episode last night that sheds some light on why Ben is the evilest man on earth. Maybe Locke will kill him next week. Lost is the kind of show that will live forever in DVD and reruns as new generations find it.

Lie to Me was also good too, Tim Roth is really very good in that role. Let's up Fox renews this show.

Like the last issue of The Sporting News, this week's Sports Illustrated has become the New York Yankee Monthly. There MLB preview picks the Yankees to win it all. What a bunch of bias BS, it is going to be some much more satisfying when the Red Sox win it all this year.

Oh well.

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