Monday, April 13, 2009

Thoughts: 13-April-2009

Monday the 13th, I wonder why today is not a bad luck day?

I watched the season finale of Friday Night Lights. So Coach Taylor comes within 30 seconds of winning the state championship in a major upset, and gets fired by Dillon? I thought I detected some foreshadowing with the opening of East Dillon High. I predict that Taylor will get a lot of players off the Panthers who want to stick with their coach and his new team, the Lions, will kill the Panthers in the big showdown next season. But man, Texas High School football is pretty tough to fire a coach who had that kind of season.

My sister clued me to this new show on NBC called Southland, NBC rerun it on Sat night so I was able to see it. Not bad, kind of an interesting take and worthy to watch more episodes. Don't know how this show will do in the ratings.

Also saw the first episode of Harper's Island. A classic 1980's slasher film + 495 minutes - R rated nudity and violence. Do have to say that Standard and Practices have gotten much more lenient since the 1980's. Just misses the nudity. The show is kind of nostalgic for me as I watched a lot of those slasher films via HBO and Cinemax, so it is worth a watch for me.

Saving Grace has its season finale tonight, more will be revealed about God's plan for Grace and Leon. Holly Hunter is really a very brave actress the likes of which is not seen in the USA. You normally have to get a British actress who is willing to take the chance Hunter takes.

Oh well.

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