Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thoughts: 01-July-2009

Miserable day in Groton, CT. Thunderstorms pour rain down on us, power kept on going out at work, and they keep making these annoying announcements over the public loud speaker which were preceded by this clanging noise. The power is back on they would say and then the power would go out again. Big time headache.

I helped 22 with a complicated ANOVA design and 24 with her statistical analysis of her data. And with a headache too. 22 said that she wishes I were her mentor, a statement she will retract when she sees me writing about her in this blog. She threatened to deface my face if I mention her again. She is starting to grow on me.

Watched HawthoRNe last night, I kind of doubt that nurses would go so far out on the limb for their patients and the way they put up with the really annoying ones, never happened to me.

Tonight I get to watch Nurse Jackie, Saving Grace, and True Blood.

I love Why is their website so easy to use and their customer service so good? Why can't everyone be like them?

Oh well.


  1. I stopped watching Hawthorne because of the unrealistic way it is portraying nurses. A nurse admninstrator never sees patients much less take over the doctor role.

  2. I have to agree with you there, starting to get very unrealistic.
