Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thoughts: 25-July-2009

Last night I watched the last two episodes of Torchwood: Children of Earth (BBC America). Excellent job and it gets an A rating. The way it ended could be a series finale if the ratings are bad. Let us hope that a Series 4 comes out.

I also watched HawthoRNe (TNT) on DVR last night. This show is getting a bit annoying. Any Chief Nursing Officer would have been fired a long time ago with her antics. And why do the doctors act so afraid of her, I have never known a doctor to be intimidated by a nurse the way they are. D rating and this show is sinking fast.

Crankshaft, Tom Batiuk's comic strip that he spun off from Funky Winkerbean, has taken a turn for the morose. Crankshaft has been bumped into the future where Ed is in a nursing home, stuck in a wheelchair, and barely alive. Granted the strip was a bit boring and repetitive, but Ed deserves a better fate than this. Of course, the current going ons over in Funky Winkerbean are not much better. Wally returning home from war after being a POW for several years, faces a wife who has remarried and looks to bring that strip to a new level of depression. I think Tom Batiuk needs to get some help, this constant focus on misery is not good at all.

Oh well.

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