Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thoughts: 16-July-2009

Tuesday night, the History Channel had a special called "Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle". I thought that I would record it and if it was something I had already seen, I would just erase it. Not only was it new, it was one of the best documentaries on the History Channel.

First, it was well balanced, had both skeptics and paranormal theorists on the show. Larry Kusche who wrote the excellent book "Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved" was a main feature, not the usually 30 second soundbite. Also had several other skeptics who were given more time than I have seen in other History Channel productions.

An example was the Flight 19 analysis. Several explanations were presented and the ones where the planes were thought to have gotten disoriented and ditched into the ocean were presented with plenty of evidence and no casual dismissal as these explanations are often given. One person presented evidence that because of the heavy fog covering the sea and ground, the planes could have ended up in Georgia and went they went to ditch in the ocean, ended up in the Okefenokee swamp. This theory was backed up with evidence from some US Naval ships that observed 5-6 planes going into land around the time Flight 19 disappeared.

All in all well worth watching, an A rating and this is the quality of programming the History Channel should get back to.

I also watched Season 2 premiere of Leverage on TNT. Good solid episode that was very well done, another A and this is a show people should be checking out. It is that good.

Oh well.

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