Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thoughts: 07-July-2009

Amazon.com came through for me replacing two items that the USPS claimed had been delivered to my home via their tracking system. And of course when I called them, it was a bunch of BS. And they wonder why they are losing money.

The Closer had a good thought provoking episode last night. That show can go from comedy to drama very easily and what a great cast.

Tonight I catch up on Nurse Jackie, Weeds, and Raising the Bar. I will then watch HawthoRNe and record Saving Grace and Warehouse 13 to view tomorrow.

Yesterday I started to watch Matlock Season 2 on DVD. I like Andy Griffith and never thought to watch this show when it was being broadcast. Not a bad show, I still like Perry Mason better, but Matlock makes the time go by just as well.

Oh well.

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