Friday, July 24, 2009

Thoughts: 24-July-2009

I have watched the first three parts of Torchwood: Children of Earth (BBC America) and have to say that it is a pretty entertaining miniseries. I look forward to watching the last two parts tonight. One nice thing is that we are seeing a couple new members in this miniseries and it has been very good. A is the rating so far.

Monsterquest (History Channel) had an episode that focused on wild dog packs and covered some cases where people were attacked and killed. The dogs they chased were afraid of humans and it was clear from the cameras that the dogs only went near human habitation for food. They preferred to be in the woods away from people. B for some good science and realistic creatures but more of a C as it was kind of ho hum.

I have lots to watch this weekend, and the Harry Potter film to catch.

Oh well.

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