Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thoughts: 29-July-2009

I watched Nurse Jackie (Showtime) last night and I have to say that we are getting a much more realistic portrayal of nurses than TNT's HawthoRNe. The CNO on Nurse Jackie yells at the nurses to work harder, spends her day in the office, and gleefully informed Jackie that she would be short four nurses on her shift. She did get her a temp, who was wasted out of his mind. Jackie boots him out and he says "It takes one to know one" which means that Jackie is not hiding her own drug habit very well.

Why Showtime can do this in 30 minutes and TNT is unable to with a 60 min time slot is a bit amazing. TNT has its first flop with HawthoRNE. Nurse Jackie gets a solid B for this weeks show.

Raising the Bar (TNT) was okay this week. The rich public defender giving three million (only the first installment from this trust fund) to the public defender's office to beef up its civil law arm. And the PD lose a case for a change. B is the rating.

Oh well.

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