Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thoughts: 04-July-2009

I am going to spend a lazy day here at Guanowsky Manor and wait until tomorrow to go see the films that I am interested in. I recorded Sink the Bismark! off AMC yesterday and will be watching that with pizza and beer.

I received the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly yesterday and it has a mega long tribute to Michael Jackson. Enough already about Michael Jackson, his death is all over the news and all over the Internet, was he really that popular?

I always thought the King of Pop label was a piece of PR BS. He made one good album, Thriller, I hated his other albums and could not stand the Jackson Five when I was growing up. I thought that they sucked and because I attended a predominately black school system, had to hear that crap over and over again.

Michael Jackson had a lot of psychological problems due to the years of abuse he suffered when growing up. He was never able to become an adult as he sought the comfort of a childhood denied to him. This outpouring of grief may be more like pity for his lost chance at life. I just don't get this obsession.

When Ronald Reagen passed away, he was out of public sight for ten years due to his Alzheimer's Disease. I could understand the grief for the death of an icon to lots of people, but the photos and videos of people crying their eyes out, I thought those were staged, I could not believe that people would be that emotional for a public figure.

Maybe in this world of the Internet we get too emotionally invested in celebrities and public figures as we are unable to bond with people that we actually know and have contact with. Who knows?

Oh well.

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