Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thoughts: 15-July-2009

22, one of the summer interns, complained to me about writing about her in this blog. I cannot remember the last time I mentioned them, they tend to work hard during the week and party hardy over the weekend. She must have been bored and decided to check this blog out. Her loss.

Weeds was an ok episode, I give it a C. Nancy is now 6 months pregnant and the drug lord baby daddy wants to marry her. Then a Mexican woman showed up and told him no. Wife or sister, I don't know. Weeds is a so-so series and I don't understand why it is popular or rated so high. I think that if it was longer than 30 minutes, I would stop watching it.

Nurse Jackie on the other hand was excellent, my rating is an A. Eddie Faco is so good in the role and how they handled the ex nurse dieing of cancer brought a tear to my eye. Far superior to HawthoRNe on TNT.

I also watched Raising the Bar, another good episode, I give it a B. The drug addict doctor who just got divorced from his PD wife ended up killing himself in her apartment just when she and Jerry were going to have sex. I am glad they ended that subplot, it was starting to get a bit soap opera like and the show has better stories to tell.

Warehouse 13 had a great second episode, a B rating. The two actors playing the Secret Service agents were much better and I am starting to see some chemistry. If the shows continue in this direction, I will be quite happy.

Oh well.

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