Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thoughts: 11-July-2009

I came up with a rating scale for TV shows that I watch and since I don't have anything to say, thought I would share it with you.

A: Excellent show, worth watching, the best on TV. Some A shows will drop to a B with certain episodes, but the majority of shows for a season get an A. Example: Primeval (BBC America), True Blood (HBO), NCIS (CBS) NCIS get an A, because this season the shows really hit the mark and the scripts were able to make the annoying Tony less annoying than he has in the past.

B: Good show worth watching, but has some element that drops it to a B. An A show can have some B episodes, and vice versa. Example Monk (USA), In Plain Sight (USA)

C: Average, still watching but the show has seen better days Example House (FOX), Desperate Housewives (ABC), Grey's Anatomy (ABC) These ratings will be attached to shows that are starting to wear out their welcome.

D: Barely watchable, only watching so I have something to rant about in my blog. Also some of these shows tie into a better show or I have been watching them for a long time, or I can't believe that Joss Whedon is responsible for this. Example Dollhouse (FOX), Private Practice (ABC), Harper's Island (CBS) and American Chopper (TLC)

F: Could not stand this show for more than one episode and have never watched it again. Example Castle (ABC), Flash Gordon (SyFy), and 30 Rock (NBC)

Eureka last night gets a B, solid show where Carter gets his job back and we have a subplot starting to emerge. The only thing I don't like is the voice that they use for Sarah the computer, come on put in a sexy babe voice, that I what I would demand, Kathleen Turner for example.

Oh well.

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