Thursday, March 19, 2009

TV shows marked for Death

I was watching TV last night and was wondering how my favorite shows were lining up for renewal. So thanks to and TV Guide, here is how is shapes up for the Big Five.

ABC: They already cancelled Pushing Daisies, Kristin Chenoweth is doing a pilot where she plays a crazy lawyer. Private Practice is the only thing I watch that I wish ABC would kill. Very stupid show and I cannot believe that Shondra Rhimes carries that much clout from Grey's Anatomy.

NBC: With Jay Leno being on at 10 pm M-F, this leaves only ten hours of prime time viewing. Shows like Medium, Life, and Law and Order are potential cancellations. I like Law and Order, but with the show being in reruns and constantly on, I am not surprised that it may go. Heroes may stay though the ratings have not been very good. Friday Night Lights will require a bigger financial commitment from Direct TV for NBC to keep it going. I read that the producers want a two season commitment. Does not look good for one of my favorite actors, Kyle Chandler who was so good in Early Edition and the guest star role on Grey's Anatomy.

FOX: Terminator, the Sarah Connors Chronicles looks like it will be gone. Dollhouse, I would be very surprised if it gets renewed. I am hoping that Bones and Lie to Me will be back. House and 24 are a lock to return, but a word of warning the House producers, USA network is killing you guys by showing over and over again House reruns. It killed Law and Order.

CBS: They just announced that Cold Case and Without a Trace are in danger of cancellation. I don't watch Cold Case but liked the show the few times I have watched it. Without a Trace, sorry do not care for that show, no way the FBI spends that kind of money searching for nobodies. I was surprised to see that Eleventh Hour is in danger. I thought that the last issue of Entertainment Weekly had this how in the top 20, so how is it in danger? I hope it gets renewed, one of the best shows on TV.

CW: I only watch three shows on CW, Smallville, Supernatural, and Reaper. Smallville and Supernatural are both renewed for the next season. Reaper, no word, but I did see that Tyler Labine who plays Sock is filming a pilot for a comedy where he is in the lead. Does not look good for Reaper, and this past show with the boxer was pretty good. I even liked Sock and his fictional co-worker Les Nesman.

Oh well.


  1. Tyler taking a job while he awaits word on Reaper is not a bad sign, especially since it's a pilot. Most pilots aren't picked up, and the only reason "Sons of Tucson" got so much press is because everyone is jumping on the 0h-this-must-mean-Reaper's-canceled bandwagon. It means nothing of the sort, since even if SOT gets picked up, Tyler's contract still puts Reaper first, so he would either have to quit SOT or work both shows.

  2. I give props to Tyler Labine for not putting all his eggs in one basket.
