Friday, March 13, 2009

Thoughts: 13-March-2009

It is Friday the 13th. Never really noticed anything bad ever happening to me on this date.

I watched Bones last night, constantly a high quality show.

Shepard aka McDreamy on Grey's Anatomy is playing the whiner while his girlfriend Meredeth is trying to get him back on track. Izzie has revealed that she has a cancer with only a 5% survival rate, guess Katherine Hegel is going back to the movies, at least she gets decent scripts out there.

Tonight, Battlestar Galactica goes into its three part series finale. It has to be good, it just has to.

MonsterQuest the other night had one of the lamest shows ever. The least amount of evidence to support the idea that a snow beast is living off elk by Pike's Peak. One footprint in the ground was only semi-explained which for this show counts as the highest of evidence. When are the producers of this show going to read some of Elizabeth Loftus' research on the unreliability of eyewitness testimony. And passing a polygraph test just means that the person believes they are telling the truth, not that a strange creature exists.

I am going to watch Nina and Monk on YouTube, I need a pick me up.

Oh well.

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