Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thoughts: 28-March-2009

I watched Fox TV last night. Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles was its usually snooze. We don't see much of Sarah Connor in this show, and I am at a point where I really don't care if John Connor survives to save the world in the future. Two more episodes and the season and most likely the series is done. Maybe then Summer Glau can get a decent show, a nice sitcom maybe?

Dollhouse had an episode last night where everyone was exposed to a drug and went crazy/lost their inhibitions. Already saw this twice in Star Trek, once in the original series and then again in a sequel to that show in Next Generation. Next week, the dolls recover their memories and rise up against the Dollhouse. You know, it just seems to me a lot of trouble to basically have a high end cat house. That is all the dolls seem to get to do, go off to satisfy some super rich guy's fantasy. I wish I had that kind of money to blow. Right now, I would say Dollhouse is gone after this season's shows end.

Oh well.

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