Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thoughts: 21-March-2009

When I started writing this blog, my assumption was that nobody was going to read it other than the few that I told about it. What surprises me is that people are reading it, one person from the Classic Horror Film Board commented on my Godzilla blog and two Reaper fans commented on blogs when I wrote about this show.

Just to set the record straight, I have watched every episode of Reaper and would like to see the show continue. It is the best show, after Supernatural on CW (Smallville is tied with Reaper for second place) and is better than Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I just would have liked to seen the main characters beefed up a bit. Sam needs to take some smart pills, Sock needs to be less annoying (though he was very good in the past episode) and Ben actually is coming into his own, I like his romance with the demon.

Brimstone had a similar premise, they played it straight as opposed to the comic take of Reaper. Cop kills the guy who rapes his wife, gets sent to hell, 100 souls break out, and the Devil (played by John Glover) sends him to get them back for possible redemption. Show did not last too long, I know it is on Chiller via Direct TV, and it is one of the most requested series to come out on DVD. From the two episodes I saw of it on Chiller at a friend's house, I would buy this set.

Yesterday, I was posting about revisionist TV series, and I wanted to comment on how cable channels such as TNT, FX, Sci-Fi, HBO, and Showtime seem to be taking a chance with these kind of series. When Fox takes a chance on something, it usually gets killed after a couple of episodes. Cable channels are willing to take chances and stick with a show. That is why we get some pretty good runs, of course HBO did kill Deadwood prematurely.

Oh well.

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