Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thoughts: 26-March-2009

There are a couple of new shows that are starting up that intrigue me.

Harper's Island (CBS, TH 10 pm) This is a 13 part mystery-horror series where a person is going to get killed each week. TV Guide ripped into this series as a bloody bore, not gory enough for the Friday the 13th crowd and too tacky and grisly for Agatha Christie crowd. Given that this is CBS which had a very tame Swingtown show, that was billed as being something quite naughty, I sort of doubt that this will be any different than what you see on the CSI shows. The sheriff is played by the actor who plays Bobby on Supernatural, so I would like to see him in this. I like that idea of a series that will give closure if you stick with it for the whole run.

The Unusuals (ABC, Wed 10 pm) Looks interesting and I like several of the actors in this show. But that time slot for ABC is where series go to die, Private Eyes for example. I think that I will check it out since it most likely will get axed after a couple of episodes.

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (HBO, Su 8 pm) This is best on a best selling series of detective novels set in South Africa. I have never read any of them, but given the good reviews they get and given that this is HBO, and that True Blood was better than expected, I will be checking this out.

American Chopper is returning with new episodes on TLC, I was wondering if there was anything left for these guys to do. I figured that this show has run its course, but it must still be getting decent ratings.

Oh well.

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