Monday, March 23, 2009

Futurama and Dead Like Me

Two shows that I liked which met a premature death, have recently gotten a renewed life via direct to DVD movies.

Futurama was a great show on Fox (the killer of all good shows with their constant moving about the time slots) and has been in reruns on the Cartoon Network. Four Direct to DVD movies were made, the first three were quite good, and I am waiting for the chance to watch the fourth. If sales are good, we may get some more DVD movies.

Dead Like Me was on Showtime for two seasons, great cast and a well done show. They just did a direct to DVD movie called Life after Death, with a good number of the original cast back on. Nicely done, and again if sales are good we may get to see more DVD movies.

You know, this shows that with the DVD market and cable channels, great series that are not given a chance to make it by the networks because of poor ratings can live on in new versions. Maybe the networks might get a clue, I doubt it.

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