Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thoughts: 25-March-2009

The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly had a letter disputing that Battlestar Galactica was the best SF TV series. They cite Farscape and Firefly as being better series, well I don't know.

Farscape was a pretty good SF series, definitely a top five. I just thought that the aliens were not that convincing and that characters seem to be smart or dumb when the writers needed them to be. It was good series and ended in a nice finale, I am currently reading the comic limited series that is being published, but better than BSG, no way.

Firefly, if Fox gave this series a chance I would say it might have ranked up there. A couple of the episodes reminded me too much of other shows in copying plots. And the movie that was supposed to give us closure, Serenity, that was not very good at all. Too many key characters just got killed which I did not care for at all. Firefly is not better than BSG.

A couple of issues ago, Psychology Today published a letter that makes me still laugh. Some teenage girl writes it and says that she likes PT because it is so easy to understand unlike Scientific American Mind which is too hard for her to get. So I guess PT should have ads saying "Psychology Today, the magazine for people who are too stupid to understand Scientific American Mind". I still laugh given how anybody with a advanced psychology degree would see how bad PT is and how much superior SAM is. Sad, that PT would actually publish a letter like that, I wonder if the psychologists who are published in that magazine cringe.

Oh well.

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