Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thoughts: 17-March-2009

I got my package from Midtown Comics today and discovered that Simon Dark is cancelled with issue 18. Too bad, it was an interesting comic and had some potential. Once again, a comic I like goes under.

Yesterday I mentioned that you could get a free issue of Legendary Times from their website. In the email I got from them, it turns out that you get a free information pack. Oh well.

The latest L Word webisode on Showtime.com is Shane's interrogation. What did we find out? Shane burned her own business down 18 months ago and that the statute of limitations for arson is one year. I think Sgt. Duffy is going a little bit off field here, and Shane committed insurance fraud when she burned down her business and collected on it. What that has to do with Jenny's death is beyond me. Where is Columbo when you need him?

NBC ran a rerun of Heroes last night. I thought we were in sweeps month, a rerun already, they just start showing Heroes again. Next week Fox is showing a rerun of House. If they are running out of new episodes how about showing two hours of 24? Crap, Fox can show two hours of American Idol.

Oh well.

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