Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random Thoughts for 03-March-2009

I am thinking with going for a format change with my blog. Basically I want to do random thoughts and every once in the while do a theme blog when I have a lot to say about some subject.

I watched the double episodes of 24 last night. Jack is in quite a fix, trapped in the White House with the President about to be forced to make some statement prior to her death. If only she let Jack get the information he needed from that Senator's aide. I was also happy to see Tony Todd playing another great character. Todd must have a very impressive list of TV credits, he seems to guest star in all the shows I watch.

Before I watched 24, I watched via DVR the latest episode of The L Word. Poor Jenny, she sure is asking to be murdered. Next week we have the series finale, I will miss the Tina-Bette love story. Jennifer Beals and Laura Holliman have been so good in the series.

I also have on tap to watch the Dead Like Me movies that went straight to DVD. This is a sequel to a great series that had appeared on Showtime. Who knows, Family Guy came back when the sales of the DVD sets were better than expected, maybe we will see this for Dead Like Me.

I saw on the Futon Critic that Life on Mars is ending after this season. ABC choose not to renew this show. I never started watching it, just look a tad hokey to me and a waste of talent. Same thing for this show starting next Monday, Castle. Looks like a hokey concept and a waste of talent.

Oh well.

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