Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thoughts: 27-May-2009

I watched the season finale of Reaper and it was one of the best shows they did. We have learned that demons aka fallen angels can be forgiven and return to the status of heavenly host, now we see that God wants Sam to stay in his deal with the Devil as some sort of masterplan. Andy expressed her love for Sam by putting her soul at risk, and now both she and Sam are in debt to the Devil.

Throughout the series I have noticed that the Devil is always trying to tempt Sam and he also resists. I wonder if there is more to that than meets the eye. I am reminded of It's a Wonderful Life where Clarence had the faith of a child and the brain of a turnip. Maybe there is something in that. I hope that we can see some more of Reaper either through a syndication deal, direct to DVDs (like Dead Like Me did) or maybe a comic book series like Buffy, Angel and Farscape currently have.

Tonight on Monsterquest, we have Killer Giant Jellyfish. At least we know that jellyfish exist, just have to wonder if we are going to see any really big ones.

Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's one of the things that makes Sam so unique - it's hard for the Devil to tempt him, plus Sam influences the Devil (albeit subtly) to do good things.
