Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thoughts: 19-May-2009

24 had a great finale last night. Tony is now officially good but doing bad to achieve his desire for revenge. Dim Kim survived and is going to get her stem cells to Jack to save him from dieing. An experimental treatment with a low chance for success, you know Jack will survive. I wish that they would did out the super soldier formula that the US used to create Captain America and give that to Jack.

The Unusuals fell to the Wed 10 pm death curse for ABC shows. It will not be renewed. I thought it was a good show, but not that great that I will miss. Still better than Dollhouse and Private Practice which did get renewed.

And it is official, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles will not be renewed, it is dead. Good riddance, a crappy show that just ruined any continuity that the movies established.

NBC has renewed Law & Order and will pair the show with Southland on Friday nights. Once again, Thursday will have Bones and Fringe on Fox, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice on ABC. If CBS renews Eleventh Hours and keeps it on Thursday with CSI and CW keeps Smallville and Supernatural on that night also, it will be tough keeping up with my shows. Thank God for Hulu.com, that website will save me.

Oh well.

P.S. I just checked FutonCritic.com, and CBS cancelled Eleventh Hour, what the FRAK! One of the best shows on TV, and it last three episodes were in the Top 20 and it gets axed? And crap stays on like Dollhouse and Private Practice. There is no justice.

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