Monday, May 11, 2009

Thoughts: 11-May-2009

I almost forgot to write my blog today.

I just finished reading the latest issue of Discover magazine. I started reading this publication when it first came out from Time-Warner. I remember how Time-Warner bought out the popular science magazine that the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) put out as well as the large format version of Science Digest in order to boost its subscriber's base. Then they sold the magazine to the Walt Disney company where I lost interest.

Now the magazine is published by the Discover Media group and is pretty well done. Vital Signs the column written by doctors and nurses about dealing with a real life medical case is still there and as interesting as always. Overall, nice look and very readable without dumbing down the science as was the case when the Disney company published it.

Harper's Island is going on hiatus for a week and just when the police chief discovers the dead body of the minister and the father of the bride gets killed at the wedding rehearsal with a booby trap in the chandler right in front of everybody. I think this show only has enough of a premise for 6 episodes not 13.

Kat Curtis from the Naked News really ripped into X-Men Origins: Wolverine. She did not like the fact so many liberties were taken with the comics. I think that it is easier for some stories to be told in comic book form and not that easy to translate into film. I thought that if you liked the previous X-Men films, you will like this one. Star Trek was far better.

Oh well.

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