Friday, May 1, 2009

Thoughts: 01-May-2009

One comment to my readership, spoilers will be presented in this blog at all and any times. I hate people who complain about reading spoilers, I on the other hand love reading spoilers and search for them. Sight and Sound, a British film magazine, gets full synopses of films with all the spoilers and surprises contained. So beware gentle readers, spoilers rule in the Life of VXG.

Thanks to my DVR, I caught up with a number of shows. The DVR and Tivo are some of the greatest inventions in TV history. I would be lost without my DVR and my Comcast on Demand.

Heroes Season Finale was on this past Monday. It finished up the season cliffhangers, wrapped up loose ends, and saw a tease for next season. It seems Heroes is going back to square one so maybe the show will pick up some with its creative juices.

Fox TV was the big big winner for 8 pm Wednesday with their decision to show Lie To Me instead of the Obama press conference. Maybe the networks will get a clue and stop pre emptying their programming every couple of weeks to show basically a lack of real information from Obama. Let CNN, Fox News, C-Span, and other news cable outlets cover this. The people want their shows and if Obama keeps preventing them from watching their shows, he will be affected in the polls.

Lost had an okay episode, kind of getting tired of them killing characters for what appears to be just for shock value.

Fringe has been constantly very good this season with with Leonard Nimoy scheduled to play William Bell, Walter's partner, this should be good. If I was a genius scientist, I would be just like Walter Bishop.

I have last night's season finale of Private Practice to watch. I will save that dubious pleasure for the weekend. I plan on going to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine tomorrow.

I wonder if Hugh Jackman is going to reprise his role in a film version of the Boy from Oz?

Oh well.

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