Monday, May 18, 2009

Thoughts: 18-May-2009

CBS looks like it will be renewing Cold Case. While I have not been watching this show regularly, the couple of episodes I have seen look good. I will have to use the DVR this summer to catch up. This would be a great show for Comcast on Demand.

CBS gave a green light to the NCIS spinoff, which I am looking forward to seeing.

ABC is cancelling Samantha Who? While I am not a big sitcom fan and have not been watching this show, I do enjoy the work of Christina Applegate and hopes she connects with another series.

Desperate Housewives had a good two hour season finale. The David Dash storyline was resolved with nobody getting killed, well except for his psychiatrist. Now the big question is who did Mike marry at the end of the show, Susan or Katherine? I say it was Susan. And the only part that I did not like was Lynette getting pregnant and expecting twins.

CSI had a good season finale as did CSI: NY. I wonder if any more cast members got killed off in the final shoot out at the end of the NY show.

Looking forward to the 24 season finale tonight.

Oh well.

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