Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thoughts: 30-May-2009

I went to see Terminator Salvation today. And it turned out to be a decent movie. One thing that I liked about it, is that the film ignores the two movie sequels and the TV series. So, if you just accept the first film and this film it makes plenty of sense and eliminates needless crap that went on in the other films/tv show.

Pretty good story and I have to say the McG whose previous work was the Charlie's Angels films did a nice job. I am glad I did see this movie and not Up. I figure that I like all the Pixar films so Up can be a treat for next weekend.

I watched the Unusuals last night, pretty good episode. It is a shame that ABC cancelled it, maybe a different time spot than the Wed 10pm Dead Zone where ABC sends series to die.

Tonight, Pushing Daises returns to ABC for the next three weeks. Another show that I liked that was cancelled. Thank God for DVD sets. I remember when the first complete DVD TV show set came out. It was the X-Files and all the episodes of season one were included. Previously only selected episodes appeared on VHS. Lots of people thought this would not sell, but it did . So now we have lots of complete seasons for lots of TV shows coming out.

I just saw that the complete series of The Guns of Will Sonnett is coming out in July. I remember watching this show as a kid and look forward to getting it.

Oh well.

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