Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thoughts: 02-May-2009

Early on Saturday, I go forth to write my blog. Somebody asked me how many readers I have. Don't know how to find out and I kind of like the idea of pretending nobody reads this blog. It makes me feel more free to express myself.

I watched Private Practice last night. I am now convinced that the writers have a contest going to see how stupid and ridiculous this show can become before ABC cancels it. Or they hate Amy Brennerman. Her character, Violet, is a therapist. We met her stalking her ex boyfriend, involved in a needy and neurotic friend relationship with Cooper, getting involved in have unprotected sex multiple times with two different guys which then results in a pregnancy, and finally she refuses to be tested to find out who the father is.

So after stringing Pete and Sheldon along for most of the season, she picks Pete as her true love. Now she does not know who the biological father is, but she wants Pete, forget about Sheldon. Oh and before I forget, these two guys want her, Pete breaks up with a great woman, just so he can chase after Violet.

So while all these psychodrama is going on, Cooper is living with Violet taking care of her while neglecting his own girlfriend. So guess what the next twist is? A psycho patient of Violet, who thought she was still carrying a baby even though she had miscarried, decides that Violet has her baby. So she drugs Violet, (getting drugs and surgical supplies from the Internet) and is going to cut her open and remove the baby. Cooper is about to open the door, and potentially save Violet, when his girlfriend calls him and says she needs him, she just got fired. For the first time ever, he turns around to go to her, leaving this cliffhanger of Violet about to be ripped open by psycho patient.

Are you frakking kidding me? What a stupid frakking season end to a stupid frakking season show. Why did ABC renew this show? Do they even watch these implausible scenarios spin out week after week? I wonder if daytime soap operas are this bad?

The latest episode of American Chopper has Sr and Jr fighting as usual, the twist is that Jr decides to leave OCC on his own terms. Maybe he may come back to work on some special projects, his plan is to start a boutique with his girlfriend. I say hook up with Vinny and Cody at V-Force Custom Choppers and get back to making good bikes like he used to. American Chopper is no longer worth watching. We get nothing about bike builds and watching Sr make an ass of himself week after week in his supposed attempts to run a business is just getting boring.

Oh well.

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