Friday, May 15, 2009

Thoughts: 15-May-2009

I watched some shows recently that I wanted to spend some in depth discussion time on.

Monsterquest: The recent episode that feature the Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine was one of the best on the series. Here we have evidence that these creatures existed, clear photos and video, body remains, and tracks. They were thought to go extinct in 1936, but reports have come in of sightings. The Monsterquest team found a footprint that clearly could be identified as coming from one of these creatures. If the Bigfoot proponents had the kind of evidence show in this episode, I would be a believer. An excellent contrast to the Bigfoot shows, which really shows how weak the evidence for Bigfoot is.

Lost Season 5 Finale: I watched this two hour finale last night via DVR. As usual, for every question answered, ten more are raised. The opening sequence with Jacob and his nemesis (folks on the Internet are calling him Esau after the story in the Old Testament, I re-read that in the Bible and it fits) reminded me of the play JB which is based on Job from the Old Testament. I really wonder if the Lost creators can wrap this up next season without leaving unanswered questions.

Bones Season finale: If this was a mid-season episode, I would have loved it. For a season finale, it was not right. After telling us that Booth and Brennen were going to get together and it would not be a dream or fantasy sequence, they then proceeded to do just that. What a jip! And Booth at the end comes out of a 4 day coma and does not recognize Brennen? Like I have not seen that done this season, every frakking show has the amnesia bit. At least we were told over the closing credits, that Bone would return in the fall with new episodes. They better clear this up in the season premiere, we have enough crappy TV shows, don't turn Bones into one.

Oh well.

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