Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thoughts: 16-May-2009

I just have returned from seeing Angels & Demons, the new Ron Howard film based on Dan Brown's book. This was actually the first book in the Robert Langdon series. The Da Vinci Code is the second, with a third book due to come out soon. The Da Vinci Code was a mega bestseller, so that got made into a film first.

I read The Da Vinci Code and hated Brown's writing style. The film I thought was better than the book as Howard was able to cut through Brown's babble and tell the story. Angels & Demons has a similar plot and I thought was pretty entertaining. Glancing over the Wikipedia entry on the book, it looks like the film follows the book pretty well. Not the best movie I saw so far, but entertaining.

Grey's Anatomy season finale saw what appears to be the end of Izzie and George. I know that both actors wanted out of the series, and it appears that they got their wish. A big problem with shows like this is that you get a big ensemble cast and people get shortchanged. Let's see how it plays out next season.

Ghost Whisperer had a season finale that reminds me of one of my favorite shows, Charmed. I thought it was nice that Melinda is going to have a boy who will have more powers than her. And the Book of Changes is very similar to the Book of Shadows concept. I liked it.

Smallville left me unsatisfied with its season finale. Jimmy is dead, Clark is now bitter toward mankind, and Lois is off to the future, most likely to return and set things right. I kind of wonder why Clark cannot trust people with his secret. For the most part, people are pretty accepting and willing to protect him when they find out. Even Chloe, who Clark feared would want a big newspaper scoop.

Oh well.

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