Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thoughts: 07-May-2009

A friend of mine who reads this blog, told me that I should watch the film Twilight and expand my horizons. Whenever I see the trailer for this film, I am reminded of the glory day of the WB where shows like Dawson's Creek held check. I mean, just looking at that film reminds me of Dawson's Creek, a bunch of mopey teenagers.

Now True Blood on HBO is a vampire show I can get into. Tons of nudity and graphic sex, blood and death abound. I cannot wait to see Anna Paquin prancing around in that very short skirt she wears. You even have gays and full male frontal nudity, something for everybody.

Every time I watch a episode of Lost, I wonder if this show is going anywhere. Locke is leading the clan up to meet Jacob, who he wants to kill. Why, not really sure. And what about the new survivors who have that weird cult like question that ask folk? What is up with them? In Kevin Smith's film, Zack and Mira make a porno, one character asks another what happened on Lost. The reply, Who the F knows, one minute they are on the island, the next they are off. Pretty much sums up the show.

Lie to Me had the best episode of its run so far last night, Lightman going up against a serial rapist who blinded his victims and now has a copycat who he tutored. The way the episode unfolded makes this show one of the best on TV and needs to be renewed by Fox.

Oh well.


  1. Go see Twilight!! It is the best movie!!

  2. I rather go see the next Transformers film

  3. I LOVED True Blood!
    Hotter than any porn movie I've ever seen, but it told a great story too!

  4. I have found that the sex scenes in True Blood and also in Six Feet Under were the best I have seen on TV and better than most porn. And I think that both shows handle gay relationships and gay sex in a very adult and mature fashion
