Friday, February 27, 2009

Random thoughts on TV shows

I am going to write about some thoughts I have on the current TV scene, there may be spoilers so beware.

1. Lost: I never liked Benjamin Linus, I thought he was a bad guy from the get go and wanted to see someone put him down like the dirty egg sucking dog that he is. Then we get played into thinking he may be a good guy. Now in the latest episode it is clear, BENJAMIN LINUS IS NO DAMN GOOD! He kills Locke and fakes his suicide so he can get back to the island, what a scumbag. Now, Lost creators, bring us some justice and do this guy in.

2. NCIS: This is the best season of this show since I started watching it. Every story is dead on and is clicking. I can even stand the annoying character of Tony, because this season has been so good.

3. Desperate Housewives: I was not that happy about the five year jump, I do not like Mike and Susan splitting up. Actually Susan is totally out of character this season and is unlikable. I was hoping that Bree and Orson would have a happy life together, but no, plenty of problems. And why can't Orson go back to being a dentist after he got out of prison? The only episode that I liked this season was the one about the Beau Bridges handyman character. Not only did the underrated Bridges do an excellent job of acting, but the characters that I have liked from the start of this show were back in force. That episode showed all that was missing from this five year jump shows.

4. Heroes: I am really getting bored with this show and now am convinced that the creators only had enough decent ideas for one season.

5. Ghost Whisperer: Sorry this whole Jim dies, comes back as a ghost, and now is possessing the body of a guy that crossed over when he died, it is not working. Why couldn't they just have Jim and Melinda have a kid and have things work out. We have seen from the first episode that there are beings, angels maybe, who escort the souls of newborns who die back to the hereafter. Melinda needs a big time angel backing her up. And I miss Alisha Tyler and Jay Mohr.

Oh well.

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