Sunday, February 22, 2009

Animal Planet's Lost Tapes

I don't normally watch Animal Planet, for some reason my mother loves to watch this channel. And since she just has basic cable in her home with no Internet access, I usually end up watching it with her when I visit. She loves some show called Its Me or my dog about these really dumb people who cannot train their dogs and this English woman who loves to dress in leather like a dominatrix has to come and help them learn to train their dogs. She also likes to watch Animal Cops which has a bunch of stories about abused animals.

The last time I visited, I noticed these ads for Lost Tapes. I figured I would check it out when I came back to CT. This show is a blend of Monsterquest and The Blair Witch Project. The premise is that they find these tapes of people encountering strange creatures and show them with some facts about the creatures interspersed. Pure fiction but it is really creepy and pretty well done.

One episode had a park ranger who wants out in the woods with a bear poacher and a friendly Bigfoot. You get some glimpses of the Bigfoot and then when the poacher comes after her, Bigfoot protects her. Another episode had these Goth kids attacked by a Hellhound. There also was a really creepy one about a woman sailing solo around the world that gets attacked by a sea monster.

On one level, it is pretty hokey and another level it is a lot better than Monsterquest or Scare Tactics. I never thought that I would see a program on Animal Planet that I would watch. Check it out sometime.

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