Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Comic Curmudgeon

One of my favorite blogs is the Comic Curmudgeon written by Josh Fruhlinger. This is a very witty, very funny blog on the daily newspaper comic strips. Reads knows his material well and produces insights that give this comics a new perspective.

Shylock Fox, a comic for young kids, is regularly reviewed by Reads. Cassandra Cat, Reeky Rat, and Count Weirdly, Shylock's rogue gallery, can be viewed with a fresh perspective and Josh's commentary on these characters makes me laugh.

Apartment 3-G and Mary Worth are comics that I have never read, but Josh does such a perfect job lampooning them it makes me want to check them out. Pluggers is another strip that I never knew about until Josh's blog. Some of the riffs that he has done on this comic, really are classic.

Even some of the jokes that Josh regularly uses, like the old computer that writes the Archie comic strip, have made appearances in the comic. All in all this is one blog that I never miss reading.

One day, I may even make a contribution to it.

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