Monday, February 16, 2009

Annoying Characters on TV

Here is my list, in no particular order, of characters I find to be particularly annoying on TV.

1. Grey's Anatomy, there are quite a few contenders. You have Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) who whines and whines about everything, George O'Malley (TR Knight) who mopes and mopes, but the most annoying is Izzie Stevens (Kathernine Heigl). She is having sex with a ghost, who became a ghost thanks to her screwing around with his treatment so that he could get a heart. And of course, she still gets to practice medicine. Very annoying character.

2. The L Word, Jenny Schecter (Mia Kirshner). What a wacko annoying character, thank god they are going to have someone kill her in this final season. And it is shaping up to be about anybody, as she is giving plenty of folk reason to want to kill her. Whoever ends up killing her, a jury will find it to be justifiable homicide and let them off.

3. Bones, Dr. Lance Sweets (John Francis Daley). I cannot stand this guy at all. Too young, too immature, and totally unable to relate to Booth or Bones. Earlier, Stephen Fry played Dr. Gordon Wyatt, who was an excellent character that helped Booth deal with some anger issues. Fry like his comic partner, Hugh Laurie is an excellent actor and brought that character to life. Obviously Fry could not commit to a long term deal with Bones, but after that great performance, to bring in such a weak character like Sweets, give me a break!

4. NCIS, Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly), a character that comes up as a immature jerk. Sweets is immature but at least he tries to be competent. DiNozzo is the weak link, who almost never contributes to solving a crime, unless by accident. I liked Weatherly in Dark Angel, too bad his character on NCIS is so bad.

5. Survivor, Jeff Probst. I know that he is not a fictional character, but I hate reality shows and Probst is so damn smug and condescending to the contestants. I long for the day, that someone says screw the non violence agreement and goes after Probst at a Tribal Council.

6. McLaughlin Group, Eleanor Clift. This woman is such screecher on this show. She repeats her same point over and over again and constantly interrupts the other people when they are talking. And she is always on, never seems to take a break. This past weekend, was a rare occasion when she was not there, everyone took turns presenting their point of view, no one was screeching, it was great. You are 68, retire already. It is not like Newsweek needs you, their circulation is going down, nobody is reading your stuff and nobody cares what you have to say on the McLaughlin Group.

Oh well.

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