Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pet Peeves

There are a couple of things that really get my dander up. In no particular order:

1. People bitching about spoilers in articles. Hey, what is up with that? I have never had a problem knowing beforehand what is going to happen in a film, book, or TV show. And often I seek out articles that tell me this stuff. But when people get bent out of shape because a spoiler is revealed, I just have to say, then don't read the freaking article. One time I mentioned on a message board that Nicholas Cage in the film National Treasure beats the bad guys to find the treasure, and got yelled at for revealing a spoiler. Unbelievable!

2. People harping about spelling and grammar in messages on the Internet. Most posts disappear in a day, are written in haste, and have no reflection on the writing skill of the poster. Most people when posting on a message board, are usually just stating their thought and not writing something for work or school. And the people who harp on this stuff usually write the dumbest posts.

3. Networks putting all the popular shows on at the same time. Why do they do that? On Thursday night at 9 pm, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, and Supernatural are all on the same time. Why? When did Thursday night become the night for must see TV? I know that NBC billed that with Cheers years ago, but why Thursday? Why not Wednesday?

4. MonsterQuest on the History Channel needs to show one of these freaking monsters already. They set these cameras up for a month and never ever get any footage. Yet, we are left with, maybe there is something out there. On what basis, eyewitness testimony. Read Elizabeth Loftus' work on the unreliability of eyewitness testimony and then tell me about monsters being out there.

5. Ghost Hunters make the Three Stooges look like rocket scientists. Why is this show popular, why does anybody buy what these guys are selling? It amazes me that these clowns are taken seriously. Of course, compared to crap like Most Haunted on the Travel channel, I guess it could be worst.

Oh well.

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