Sunday, February 8, 2009

My first blog

I decided after reaching the age of 49 to start writing a blog. While my life is not that exciting compared to some, I have a need to express myself. What I would like this blog to become is an ongoing informal discussion of issues of the day that I am interested in.

These issues include magazines, Godzilla, comic books, comic strips, the American Civil War, film, Jack the Ripper, etc etc etc. Basically stuff that only I seem to be interested in. I have played on the message boards that cover various topics, but when you start in as a newbie, you kind of get drowned out by all the old posters who know each other so well.

Two topics that recently have been occupying my thoughts is, (1) why does John McLaughlin tolerate the screeching of Elanor Clift who just repeats her thoughts over and over while preventing some alternative views from getting out and (2) why did Marvel Comics cancel She-Hulk and keep boring comics like Ms. Marvel.

I am not too concerned about anybody reading or commenting on this blog, my thought are what they are.

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