Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jack Bauer, the modern great American Hero

I have been watching 24 for the last couple of seasons. I could up on this series via DVD sets. I would watch an entire season over the weekend, telling my friends that I could not understand how they could wait a week or more to see the next episode.

Besides being the modern day equivalent of a serial, I also have to say that Jack Bauer is the modern day American hero. Compare him to Captain American, not the clean cut guy presented in the comics of the 1940's to 1990's, but the one who is operating like a real soldier would have in WWII.

Jack is fiercely loyal to his country, willing to do anything to protect this nation. He breaks laws but is always justified in the end. Torture him? Forget about it, the Chinese had him for months and got nothing. He has a big time heart attack, but in the next hour, can snap a bad guy's neck.

The more I watch this show, the more convinced that I am, Jack Bauer is a real superhero not Batman or Superman. With the Watchmen coming out soon, we are going to see how much a superhero he is.

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