Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thoughts: 28-March-2010

Today is Palm Sunday the start of Holy Week. Easter is here, spring is here, and the Lent fasts will soon be over. I am waiting for some friends of mine to take me out for my 50th birthday (that was on Jan. 29) and one of them gave up meat on Fridays which is the only day they seem to be free to go out.

Marvel cancelled Spider-Woman with issue 7. I did not even know that until I read that issue last night. A great book gone, but we have about 4 ongoing Deadpool books and coming soon 4 Avengers books. What is Marvel thinking?

South Park (Comedy Central): I just watched the latest episode online where they bust up Catcher in the Rye, one of the most overrated books ever written. Trey and Stone hit is dead on and this show is still fresh and good after 13 season. A

The latest issue of The Lutheran had a report that CORE (a great formed to protest the recent decisions on allowing gays in committed partnerships serve as ordained ministers) is organizing the North American Lutheran Church to accommodate those congregations leaving the ELCA because of the sexuality decision. Whenever I read any of CORE's propaganda, I am reminded of the Churches in the South that left their parent organizations because of their condemnation of slavery. I fear that years from now, folks will be looking at CORE the same way.

Oh well.

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